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The following was published as a guest column post in The Daily News on February 25, 2015.

Written by: Angie Pettinger | Partner and Chief Operating Officer of Agency Services, Inc.



Ahhh, February. The month that we proclaim our LOVE to the ones that we hold dear.

Now that the roses are withered and the chocolates have been devoured, with only a few extra pounds to show for it, do you still feel the love? Our love is the glue that keeps our family close, but it won’t pay the bills if we aren’t here.

We insure a lot of the things in our lives like our cars, our homes and our valuables, but what about something less tangible, such as our love for our family? Can we insure that?

The cost of raising a child born just two years ago in 2013 is estimated to be $245,000 (not including college). The yearly price tag for contributions made by stay-at-home parents has reached $59,862. How do we compensate for the loss of the family wage earner or the stay-at-home parent if the unthinkable happens? Providing for our family’s financial needs is one of the few things we can control when it comes to an untimely death. Being prepared provides peace of mind and a way for our family to know that we loved them enough to safeguard their future.

We spend our lives telling and showing our family we love them in a million different ways. That shouldn’t change when our time here on earth ends. Life insurance is like sending a love note from the Great Beyond and can be our final love letter to them.

If we love someone or have someone dependent upon us, we need life insurance.

Even though Valentine’s Day has passed, I encourage you to be a true Cupid and insure your love with the financial security of life insurance. Contact an insurance professional or visit lifehappens.org for information on how to start the process and calculate your future financial contribution to your family.

The loss of a parent is one of life’s most difficult ordeals. The emotional strain can be devastating to children and young adults. Ultimately, death also creates financial stress for far too many families, making recovery all the more difficult. If you are a student or know a student between the ages of 17 and 24 years of age that has experienced the death of a parent and are currently enrolled in, or have been accepted to a college, university or trade school, check out the Life Lessons scholarship program. To submit an application, click here. The deadline to submit an application is March 3, 2015.

Life Happens is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Americans take personal financial responsibility through the ownership of life insurance and related products. Life Happens also seeks to remind people of the important role insurance professionals perform in helping families, businesses, and individuals find the insurance products that best fit their needs.