800.777.0988 or 901.767.4271




Our big day is coming soon!

On Thursday, March 10th,  ASI will host our annual Sales Symposium “CONSTANT CONNECTIONS”  event at the Holiday Inn East in Memphis TN. You won’t want to miss it.

 As we deal with agents and advisors, one common theme I continue to hear is “give us stuff that is useful, can help us make more money, and can be useful for us to share with our clients and prospects.” We always strive to give you things that help “CONNECT” you to ASI … well, we won’t disappoint on March 10th!

We’ll start off at 8:30am with 4 or 5 quick sales ideas, followed by an inspiration talk by Jacinda Dunn, now a student at UT Knoxville, who will share with us how the lack of life insurance her father had has proved to be a real burden to her after his death, as she and her family have dealt with lost income, changes in lifestyles and other issues that could have been easily avoided. ASI will be giving her a small scholarship.

We’ll then have 3 optional break-out sessions:

  • A neat session on profiling your client block and mining it for revenue sources
  • A session on marketing to the women’s marketplace
  • A session on using Social Media in the marketplace

All 3 sessions will be led by outside speakers we are bringing in just for you. You’ll have the chance to attend 2 of the 3 optional sessions.

After the breakouts are over, we’ll wrap up with our Keynote luncheon speaker, Wendy Boglioli. Wendy is Genworth Financial’s national spokesperson on Long Term Care Insurance.

Wendy is a gold-medal Olympic Swimmer and has a profound message about her Olympic training and dedication and how it impacts her today as she cares for a mother without Long Term Care Insurance. Yes…Wendy will bring her Gold & Bronze Medals for you to see.

Genworth, Prudential, Humana, West Coast Life and many of our other carriers are providing speakers, sponsorships and door prizes.

This is a day you won’t want to miss.  We’ll have room for only 125 attendees and we already have almost 60 reservations as of 2/14/11.

ASI always strives to give you the best of product, compensation, point-of-sale help, and of course, resources like this FREE event for you. 

Good selling and I’ll hope to see you on the 10th of March.